This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Arvid Stjarnblom, an introverted young man who has recently moved to Copenhagen, where he hopes to make a career as a copy editor for the Nationalbladet journal. When his editor drags him along to visit a painter at his lake house, Arvid shyly catches the eye of the artist’s daughter, Lydia Stille (Karin Franz Korlof).
Arvid is powerfully attracted to Lydia, but is afraid to make his move. A short while later, when presented with the opportunity to ask for her hand in marriage, he refrains from doing so, because he's afraid he may not be able to provide for her with his limited means.
While he tries to establish himself professionally, Lydia marries an older and far wealthier man, while a resentful Arvid eventually meets a well-to-do young lady, Dagmar (Liv Mjones), and gets married as well.
For a while, their lives go in separate directions; while he is promoted to reviewing opera for the paper, she delivers a baby girl. Then, by chance, he finds himself seated behind her at the theater one night. The next day, he appears at her hotel and both of them succumb to desire.
Lying to his wife about learning Russian after work, Arvid launches into a full-blown affair, although even after Lydia leaves her own husband, he doesn’t think to seek a divorce. How will their relationship evolve?