A thriller set in New York City during the winter of 1981, one of the most violent years in the city's history, centered on a the lives of an immigrant and his family trying to expand their business as the rampant violence, and corruption of the day drag them in and threaten to destroy all they have built.
Did you know? Javier Bardem was cast in the lead role during development. But after some disagreements with the film's direction, Bardem dropped out. Jessica Chastain suggested her former Juillard classmate, Oscar Isaac which ended up being cast. Read More
Javier Bardem was cast in the lead role during development. But after some disagreements with the film's direction, Bardem dropped out. Jessica Chastain suggested her former Juillard classmate, Oscar Isaac which ended up being cast.
Charlize Theron passed on a role that went to Jessica Chastain.
Albert Brooks's role was originally written for Stanley Tucci.
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