Based on a real-life incident, this thrilling race against time revolves around Arjun (Shiv Pandit), who travels to Mumbai to visit Maya, his fiancé. He reaches the city court to meet her and is taken aback when he is not able to find her anywhere.
He begins to search for Maya and in a fateful twist, happens to witness an unlikely murder. Frantic and exasperated, he is left with no choice but take passers by as hostages before he is framed as the killer.
The police officers try to tackle the situation and within no time realise that Arjun is no ordinary hostage-taker and it seems next to impossible to apprehend him.
Now, with nothing to lose, Arjun lays down his terms: 'I have 7 hostages! And I am giving the Police 7 hours to find out the killer...! I need progress every 60 minutes or one hostage dies every hour!'
As the clock begins ticking, the first hostage stares death in the face. An emergency investigation begins to find answers about what happened, how the hostage situation came to be, and how it can be foiled. What will the future hold in store for Arjun? Will he survive the hostage crisis with this life intact? What will the body count be in the end?