Suspenseful and scintillating, this thrilling tale revolves around a young couple, Freddy (Govind Padmasurya) and Ann (Miya George). Freddy lives in the USA and works in the IT industry, while Ann is an intense and confident television journalist.
To celebrate their first wedding anniversary, Freddy comes to India to be with Ann. Their life as a couple is isolated as their marriage has taken place against the wishes of Ann’s family and Freddy is an orphan. Their social life revolves around a couple of common friends.
Freddy begins reading a book that Ann had received as an anniversary gift from one of her friends. The narrator in the book requests the reader to imagine himself as the protagonist of the book and soon Freddy begins getting drawn in to the book, imagining himself as John Ryan who was a photographer and had murdered his lover, thinking that she had an affair with his boss (Lal). Soon, Freddy becomes possessed by the book, goes in search of the dead body of a young girl who has gone missing long ago. What will the future hold in store for Freddy and Ann?