This multi-layered family drama revolves around Maru Marasigan (Darwin Yu), a sixteen-year old incoming freshman from the province, who leaves his hometown to study in one of the prestigious universities in Manila. He is accompanied by his mother Precy (Lotlot de Leon) as he goes to his dormitory.
Precy cannot help but get emotional when she is about to leave him. Maru feels sad seeing his mother cry. This escalates after Maru spent his first night at the dorm feeling alone and very lonely. Maru then decides to pack his things and go back home. Precy is very shocked to see him in their kitchen early in the morning the following day.
Down on his knees, Maru pleads to Precy to allow him to study in a nearby college for he cannot afford to live miles away from his family. But Precy rejects Maru's request and tells him to go back to Manila instead. As Maru insists his decision and disobeys Precy, his relationship with his mother starts to fall apart.