This multi-layered romantic drama is a subtle and poignant drama that revolves around Ajay who comes to Hyderabad and introduces himself as Mano. He rents a house owned by elderly couple, SVS Murthy and Jayam. A compulsive do-gooder, Ajay seeks to live his life with the sole purpose of spreading joy and relief in the lives of everyone he meets. He effortlessly gets along with everyone and wins the hearts of those whom he is close with.
Vidhya, a photo journalist gets acquainted with him. Ajay is the sort of person who finds satisfaction in helping others. He sponsors the education of street children with the help of Vidhya, who is attracted by his good nature. Things take a turn when she tells him about her feelings. Ajay, without informing her, decides to flee the city. Meanwhile, flashbacks reveal that Ajay was a doctor in USA, and was attracted to Renu. They get married only to be told months later that Ajay has cancer, and he would die in a few months.
As Ajay is about to leave the city, Vidya meets with an accident and has to be operated upon immediately. Ajay takes Vidya to USA for treatment. While in the USA, he meets his friend, who asks Ajay to return to Renu, but Ajay leaves as he sees her life happier without him. It is revealed that earlier Ajay had faked his death, to make Renu believe that he had died, so that she would not suffer thinking about him every day. Now seeing her happy, he decides not to meet Renu, and resumes his moment-to-moment living.