Fast-paced and funny, this offbeat crime drama revolves around Desu (Shiva), an unlucky thief who keeps getting caught by the police.
There exists a long-standing and bitter conflict between two villages, ErimalaiKundu and Poomalaikundu that always fight over control of the fish-catching festival in the area. A powerful businessman Rayappan (Madhusudhan Rao) hides a huge quantity of smuggled gold inside an idol of Lord Ganesha in order to elude scrutiny from police officers and income tax officials.
Desu and his girlfriend Kalyani (Oviya), a call girl have the inspired idea of burglarising Rayappan's jewelry store and they succeed in doing so, with the help of their team. However, they have no inkling of the tremendous amount of gold hidden inside the idol, which is in their possession.
The one person who knows the secret of the hidden gold is a mute conman, who conveniently befriends Desu and assists them to ensure that the heist is successful. What will the future hold in store for Desu and his team? Will Desu's track record of bad luck continue or will it change once and for all?