Witty and wise, this satirical tale revolves around Durgaprasad (Soumitra Chatterjee), an aged don who desperately wants to be most successful. He wishes to be in the same league as the infamous Dawood Ibrahim, whom he idolises and wishes to emulate in all respects. To keep him company at all times he has two sidekicks in the form of Montu Singh and Jhantu Singh and Montu (Kanchan Mallick), who ironically loves to play with toy guns.
Durgarasad’s daughter Ranjita (Aparajita Ghosh Das) is in love with Aparatim (Subrat Dutta) a struggling actor. Ranjita has a couple of journalist friends, who wish to write a story about about the underworld and the mafia kingpins of the city. One of the friends asks Ranjita to help her write a story without knowing anything about her father's true identity.
When Durgaprasad's outgoing calls are barred due to unpaid bills, he sends his lackey, Montu with Rs. 50,000 so that the outstanding amount can be paid and he can resume making phone calls. However, Montu makes a mistake in the phone number and the entire amount is credited to Apratim's phone number.
When Durgaprasad finds himself unable to make a phone call, he becomes furious and sends Montu to the shop in order to find the reason for the delay. Consequently, they come to know cost the mistake and that the entire amount has been credited to Apratim's number. Immediately, without any knowledge of his relationship with Ranjita, they begin terrorising and threatening him to return the money, or else.
Due to the harassment Ranjita tells her journalist friend about her father's real identity. They decide to take the help of the rival don Muktadhara to face Durgaprasad. Vexed with the turn of events, Durgaprasad decides to eliminate Apratim after all. Will he go ahead with his decision? Will Apratim be dead by 10:10 AM the next morning?